My Asian GF asking if it's ok that 2 other asian girls can join us for dinner at the Brazilian Restaurant.

Short of you tossing one of them on the table and sitting on her mouth, its pretty much the perfect day.  Yes invite them.

On Clown Suit

Carlos, when you are done I need my Pedo outfit back.  Please wash the blood out this time.

Call of Duty

Hand me the remote.  It's time to give Bullet Facials in Call of Duty.

On Kid being eaten by Great White in Cali

Seriously, who surfs? It's literally the only sport on earth where one of the risks is actually being eaten by a dinosaur.

    I've been told so many times over the years that I need to start documenting some of the things that come out of my mouth. I decided to finally start doing it. I'll be updating often.


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